Modifications for fire brigades

The solutions ESTEPE offers are suitable for many different segments. One of these segments is the fire segment. Every year ESTEPE modifies many vehicles which will be used by fire brigades.

 Cabin modifications

Modification made to trucks which will be used by fire brigades can include the extension of the cabin. The cabin can be equipped with a so-called “backpack”, this ensures that the passengers can sit comfortably. The entire cabin can also be extended by 150mm or 300mm to create more interior space.

In addition to extending the cabin, adjustments are also made to the cabin interior. Examples for this are enlarging the entrance, adding extra entrance handles and mounting special seats.

Chassis work

Besides the cabin modifications, trucks for the fire segment are also modified to the chassis. These adjustments are aimed at optimizing the chassis layout in such a way that optimal space is created for the superstructure. For example, the cabin suspension, the battery box, the exhaust and the AdBlue tank are moved.


It is also possible to replace the standard driven rear axle by a steered rear axle. This steered rear axle provides exceptional freedom of movement. The rear axle can be steered in the same as well as in the opposite direction of the front axle. This makes the trucks ideal for cities with narrow streets.

Would you like to receive more information about this modifications? Contact one of our specialists via or +31 (0)412 45 45 00.