Driving instruction display for training vehicles

The majority of standard truck cabs are fitted with two seats: one for the driver and one for the co-driver. To augment the product range of the seven major truck manufacturers, ESTEPE offers a large number of interior modifications for a wide range of applications and transport segments in Europe. These solutions vary from extra seatbelts & seats to additional side windows and customer-specific modifications for driving schools or movers.

Besides the interior modifications, ESTEPE has developed an instruction display for training purposes. The display shows the speed, the RPM, trip consumption, position of the gas pedal and the gear change (only with an automatic transmission). The display can also be mounted on top of the dashboard, so that the information on the display is also visible from the rear seats in the cabin.

All vehicles that we provide with additional seats are built in such a way they meet the legal requirements. Depending on the make and type of the vehicle, a so-called Certificate of Conformity (COC) is issued or an individual approval is issued in the country where the vehicle will be registered.

If you would like to receive more information about the possibilities of interior modifications, feel free to contact one of our specialists (via sales@estepe.nl or +31 (0)412 45 45 00)