Change Chassis Layout
Change Chassis Layout

Creating Space for the Body

Optimising the chassis layout according to the bodybuilding guidelines of the manufacturer and according to the bodybuilder’s wishes.


trouble-free assembly

Moving components according to the highest quality standards and according to standardised processes. In this manner trucks are always prepared in the same way so that the bodybuilder will not be faced with any surprises. After conversion the body can be installed without any problems. That is the reason why reputable bodybuilders like to work with ESTEPE.

In combination with

Components that are usually moved are fuel tanks, air tanks and the battery box. At ESTEPE it often happens that the optimisation of the chassis is performed in combination with another adjustment. This is how we minimise the throughout period of the truck is minimised so that the comprehensive vehicle can be delivered to the customer sooner.


More information about the modification

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